Sunday 8 December 2013


Soya or Soy beans is a leguminous plant highly rich in protein. It is a cheap source of protein which can be used to prepare a variety of food. It can be used to prepare Soya milk, Tofu(Chunk), Soya oil, Soya milk powder, Cheese and many other products that we can use to prepare and enrich our meals. It can also be mixed with Cereals like Pap for a very good breakfast that is highly nutritious. Soy bean is widely eaten in Asia and in Japan you find people living above the average life span than in other regions of the world which can be traced to the high level of soybean consumption in Japan After reading many books on Soybeans and seeing the effect on people's lives including mine, I have concluded what it does to the body of both man, animals and plants which I am going to list as follows: 1. A healthy glowing skin 2. Proper excretory organ function 3. A better healthy and body constitution cause by the lipid and sterol which Soybean produces. It rejuvenates the body cells which in turn normalizes the body. Below are some foods we can produce from Soybeans.

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